
The secret is out, it has been for a while now. Fly Fishers of Southern Africa have been dreaming about a trophy trout destination even slightly comparable to the likes of New Zealand, Patagonia, or the rivers of Colorado.

The Maletsunyane River is home to what is arguably Africa’s largest Brown Trout. With its deep pools, long glides, and shallow riffles you can bring every fly box in your arsenal, from dries and nymphs to streamers and baitfish patterns, to hunt down a trophy Brown or Rainbow in the crystal-clear waters of Lesotho.

Semongkong Lodge is nestled on the banks of the Maletsunyane River. So, while sipping on an ice cold Maluti, you can cast a delicate dry amongst the wily resident trout in home pool, a couple of feet away from your chalet.

The accommodation, built of traditional stone and thatch, offers just the right balance of rustic elegance, with affordable and comfortable ensuite rooms, crackling fires, and warm beds.

The 4-to-6-day (visitors choice) trek down the Maletsunyane gorge is a must for the adventure-minded angler. Kilometers of untouched river will be opened up to you while the hard-working guides, staff, and Basotho ponies ensure a comfortable camping experience with warm food and cold beverages.

The King and I

I went fishing with the King of Lesotho in his breathtaking country. When I say breathtaking, I mean both in the sense of awe inspiring natural splendour, and thin air that squeezes the unused lungs of those not born to a high altitude existence. You have to be tough to live there.