
The search for virgin territory in fishing circles is where the game is at. We all want to cast at fish that has never seen a fly, just show me an ignorant fish and I’ll show you a happy angler.

Deserted atolls in the middle of the Indian Ocean fit this bill and it doesn’t get any more remote than the Aldabra group. Fortunately, it’s part of the remarkable conservation program that the outer islands of the Seychelles are renowned for, led by the efforts of the Alphonse Fishing Company.

Evidence of their success lies in every direction, and a birds-eye view will take you back to a vista before mankind.

Rhuan and I had been invited to sample this marine sanctuary and the anticipation was cause for many sleepless nights beforehand.

For my opening session I had the eagle eyes of Gary De Klerk on point and pole and there’s a not a lot that he doesn’t see coming. Whilst GT’s are the obsession for most visitors, and for good reason, Cosmo offers an entire menu of species for the avid fly monger to make a meal of.

Bonefish might be considered fly practice by spoiled salt-water anglers here, but we would never pass up on the opportunity to experience these short sprint specialists. It’s a fish that never fails to impress with its burst of speed.

These extinct volcanoes have produced a nutrient rich ecosystem in which life simply thrives. It is easy to get lost in this blue safari, until you lay eyes on one of the many targets of your fly addiction.

Triggers have occupied my waking thoughts for too many hours to count and I have a love hate infatuation with these fussy fish for good reason, But the opportunities are so numerous on these flats, that the conversion is inevitable.

Their striking appearance should be an inspiration to any budding impressionist.

While I took the time to appreciate this small victory, Rhu was hunting for a big Trevally to justify his 12wt stick.

Keeping your composure as an Ignobolis comes into casting distance is the real challenge and when your guides shouts, keep your head down and strip until the line get’s wrenched out of your hand.

It is known as the GT Capital for good reason.

Sticking the Geet demands the right tools, because if you don’t stop him, they will carve you like a Sunday roast, but Rhu wasn’t about to let himself get bullied by any gangster.

I was praying that I might encounter something of this caliber and turned to another of the AFC’s talented guides, Eli Meyer. He soon sized up that the bigger Geet’s were holding in the deeper water, so we positioned ourselves in a channel and waited for a few big bullies to make an appearance

When your guide calls the fish, its’ reaction is all business, and you have every right to pucker up! They are as decisive as they are brutal in their attack!! And, when you properly hook up, it’s absolute bedlam, they deserve every bit of their reputation. 

Don’t think for a minute this will be a clean bout, as this prize fighter will punch well below the belt, wrapping you around any structure in the vicinity. These magnificent fish will test your resolve as you soon realise you are in a no holds barred dog fight. 

It’s a powerhouse and lightening quick to boot. Being salt-water fit is sound advice on Cosmo, because when it turns, the ensuing mayhem can be exhausting. GT’s on fly will test any fly fishers mettle.

Relief and jubilation can only be matched by the gratitude that you feel for the atoll showing you it’s best and our guide for putting you on the right spot at the right time.

For my last session, I had the talents of Trevor Sithole guiding me and we were hunting down the golden dorsals that are the most elusive on any Seychelles flat. If you lucky on the right tide, your fervent prayers are sometimes answered. Although, what you should be getting down on your knees for is the eat. The problem with a fish that has a reputation, is that you automatically believe the press, which can have you overthinking and second guessing. These sickle-tailed shysters can confound you, but the reality of any fish is, if you put the right fly in the right place, they will eat.

The credit of most of our catches are undoubtably due to the quality of the guiding and the fact that we are fortunate to be fishing in a marine wonderland.

If there’s one guarantee about visiting a destination managed by the Alphonse Fishing Company 

it’s that you are sure to have many moments to celebrate